Protecting Your Heart – 4 Breathing Exercises for Palpitations

breathing exercises for palpitations

Are there breathing exercises for palpitations? The answer is yes! When it comes to natural remedies for this unsettling condition, the power of our breath should not be underestimated. Palpitations, characterised by irregular or rapid heartbeats, can be distressing and worrisome. However, growing evidence suggests that certain breathing exercises can significantly manage and prevent palpitations. … Read more

How to Improve Your Mental Health – 7 Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

benefits of yoga and meditation for seniors

Yoga is an ancient practice that began around 5,000 years ago in India. It is a holistic discipline focusing on the connection between the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga incorporates a variety of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques to promote overall wellness. Meditation, on the other hand, is the practice of training one’s … Read more