People with Early Stage Breast Cancer Will Be Long-Term Survivors, 1 Study Finds

Breast cancer, a ubiquitous and frequently fatal disease, poses significant threats to women worldwide. This exploration, however, hones in specifically on early stage breast cancer, an initial phase of the disease that offers promising opportunities for successful treatment and survival.

As the first glimpse into the disease, early stage breast cancer signifies the period when the cancer has not yet aggressively spread, providing a critical window for potentially life-saving interventions.

A recent UK-based study brings good news, revealing that most women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer are anticipated to become long-term survivors.

What is Early Stage Breast Cancer?

Early stage breast cancer refers to the initial stages where the disease is localised and has not spread to distant body parts. This typically includes stages 0, I, and II of breast cancer. The detection and diagnosis at this stage is critical for effective treatment and survival outcomes.

While there isn’t a universally agreed-upon definition, a “long-term survivor” of breast cancer can be considered a woman who does not die from her breast cancer within 20 years of diagnosis.

Remission Types

Partial and complete remission are categories used to describe the status or response of cancer to treatment.

  • Partial Remission

A partial response is a situation where cancer has reduced size but is still detectable. It’s often defined as a 50% or more decrease in the size of the tumour or the extent of cancer in the body, but these criteria can vary depending on the type of cancer. However, this does not mean all symptoms are gone, or the cancer is cured.

  • Complete Remission

This is also known as a complete response. It’s a state in which all signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared, and all tests, scans, or other examinations show no remaining cancer in the body. Although this is an optimal result from treatment, it does not necessarily mean that the cancer is cured, as microscopic cancer cells may still exist in the body and cause cancer to return later.

These terms are often used in the context of clinical trials or when discussing the effectiveness of cancer treatment with healthcare professionals. They allow doctors to quantify how well a particular treatment works and adjust the treatment plan if necessary.

A Leap Forward in Early Stage Breast Cancer Survival Rates, Insights from Recent Studies

Recent studies have shed light on the promising trends in the survival rates of patients diagnosed with early stage breast cancer, an encouraging development in oncology. One of these studies by U.K. researchers examined data from the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service. Their findings revealed a significant decrease in the average risk of dying from breast cancer within the first five years post-diagnosis since the 1990s, dropping from 14% to 5%. This research, which studied approximately half a million women diagnosed with early invasive breast cancer in England from 1993 to 2015, was published in the BMJ.

The researchers found that the prognosis has improved significantly over the past few decades for nearly every group of women studied. Potential factors contributing to the improvement include advanced treatment methods, enhanced detection techniques, and early screening for early stage breast cancer.

Parikshit Padhi, MD, confirmed these promising trends, indicating that the advancements in treatment and increased screenings have led to earlier detection and remission of early stage breast cancers. This aligns with data from the American Cancer Society (ACS), which has reported a steady decline in breast cancer death rates since 1989, with a 43% overall decrease in 2020. 

Factors Contributing to Improved Survival Rates

Several factors contribute to this improved prognosis for early stage breast cancer, with medical advancements and better screening strategies taking centre stage. However, it’s crucial to understand that not all breast cancers have the same outcomes; prognosis varies substantially according to patient and tumour characteristics.

  1. Early Detection and Screening

The importance of early detection cannot be overstated in the context of cancer. In recent decades, there has been increased awareness and emphasis on regular screening and mammograms, leading to cancers being detected at much earlier stages. This has been especially beneficial in catching early stage breast cancer in remission sooner.

  1. Advanced Treatment Modalities

Over the last couple of decades, early-stage breast cancer treatment options have evolved significantly. These advancements have resulted in higher survival rates and improved prognosis for early stage breast cancer patients. Anti-oestrogen therapies have significantly improved survival rates by reducing recurrence. 

  1. Improved Understanding of Breast Cancer Subtypes

Medical research in recent years has better characterised the different types of breast cancer. Early stage breast cancers are now classified based on the presence or absence of hormone receptors (oestrogen and progesterone receptors) and a protein called HER2. Each of these types has different treatment strategies and outcomes. 

  1. Patient Awareness and Self-Examination

Increased public awareness about early stage breast cancer has led to more women engaging in regular self-examinations and promptly reporting unusual changes to healthcare providers. Recognising early symptoms such as lumps, puckering, dimpling, or breast redness can lead to early detection and treatment of early stage breast cancer.

  1. Genetic Testing

Genetic testing can be a powerful tool for individuals with a family history of breast cancer or other risk factors. When mutated, genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2 significantly increase the risk of developing early stage breast cancer. Identifying these mutations can lead to early interventions and close monitoring, improving survival rates.

However, despite these improvements, disparities exist in breast cancer outcomes, particularly concerning race and ethnicity. Further efforts are required to address these disparities and ensure that all women benefit from early stage breast cancer detection and treatment advancements.

Types of Breast Cancers and Their Outcomes

Not all breast cancers are considered equal. The prognosis varies significantly according to patient and tumour factors. Women with a better prognosis tend to have small, low-grade cancers which have not spread to the lymph nodes, often classified as early stage breast cancer, while those with a worse prognosis are those with large high-grade cancers which have spread to the lymph nodes.

Among the different types of breast cancer, hormone-positive breast cancers and HER2-negative breast cancers are the most common. The diagnosis of early stage breast cancer within these categories can lead to better outcomes due to early intervention.

Hormone-Positive Breast Cancers

Hormone-positive or hormone receptor-positive breast cancers have receptors for the hormones oestrogen or progesterone. When present in the body, these hormones can attach to these receptors and promote the growth and multiplication of cancer cells.

There are two types of hormone-positive breast cancers:

  • Oestrogen receptor-positive (ER-positive)

These cancers have receptors for the hormone oestrogen. According to the American Cancer Society, about 80% of all early stage breast cancer are ER-positive.

  • Progesterone receptor-positive (PR-positive)

These cancers have receptors for progesterone. Most PR-positive early stage breast cancer are also ER-positive.

Hormone receptor-positive breast cancers often respond well to hormone therapy. Hormone therapy involves using drugs that either lower the body’s oestrogen or block oestrogen from attaching to the breast cancer cells. This is why hormone-positive breast cancers generally have a better prognosis and survival rate than other types of breast cancer, especially when detected as early stage breast cancer.

HER2-Negative Breast Cancers

HER2, or human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, is a protein that promotes the growth of cancer cells. In some breast cancers, the cells have excess HER2 due to a gene mutation. These are HER2-positive breast cancers and can be more aggressive and fast-growing.

HER2-negative breast cancers, on the other hand, do not have an excess of the HER2 protein. These cancers do not respond to treatments that target HER2, such as Herceptin, but they might respond to other types of treatments like hormone therapy if they are hormone receptor-positive or chemotherapy. Early stage breast cancer of the HER2-negative type, when detected, can benefit significantly from these treatments.

When breast cancer is both hormone-positive and HER2-negative (often referred to as hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negative), it has many treatment options, including hormone therapy, and generally has a better prognosis than other types, particularly if diagnosed as an early stage breast cancer.

Importance of Screening

Early detection of early stage breast cancer significantly improves the chances of successful treatment. Therefore, screening is essential in managing the disease, especially in detecting early-stage breast cancer.

Here’s how screening is crucial for early-stage breast cancer:

  1. Early Detection

Screening helps detect breast cancer in the initial stages, often before symptoms even appear. This early detection can significantly improve the prognosis because treatments are usually more effective when the cancer is small and has not spread.

  1. Reduced Mortality

Regular mammograms can help reduce the mortality rate from breast cancer. It is estimated that regular screening can reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer by 20% to 40%.

  1. Less Aggressive Treatment

If breast cancer is caught early, patients might be able to opt for less invasive treatment options. For example, they may only need a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy. Early detection can also reduce the need for aggressive treatments like chemotherapy.

  1. Improves Survival Rates

Survival rates for early-stage breast cancer are high. According to data from the American Cancer Society, the five-year relative survival rate for women with stage 0 or stage I breast cancer is nearly 100%.

  1. Cost-Effective

Early detection through screening is also cost-effective in the long run because it can prevent the need for extensive treatment for advanced-stage cancer, which can be costly.

  1. Opportunity for Clinical Trials

Detecting cancer early may allow patients to participate in clinical trials for new therapies or preventive measures.

  1. Psychological Benefit

Knowing one’s status can alleviate the anxiety and uncertainty associated with the potential of having cancer. It also enables individuals to take active steps towards treatment if needed.

The most common screening method for early stage breast cancer is mammography, but other techniques like ultrasound, MRI, or new technologies like digital breast tomosynthesis may be used depending on the individual’s risk factors and breast density. Self-examination and clinical examination by a healthcare provider also form part of a comprehensive screening approach.

Lifestyle Changes and Preventive Measures

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent breast cancer, certain lifestyle adjustments can significantly lower your risk. Here are a few proactive measures you can incorporate into your everyday routine:

  1. Healthy Diet

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can reduce the risk of cancer, including breast cancer. Limiting your processed foods and red meat intake can also help keep you healthier and lower your cancer risk.

  1. Regular Exercise

Regular physical exercise can lower your risk of developing breast cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity each week.

  1. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Overweight and obesity increase the risk of breast cancer, particularly after menopause

  1. Limit Alcohol

Studies have shown a link between alcohol consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer. Therefore, limiting your intake is advisable, with the general guideline being no more than one drink per day for women.

  1. Avoid Tobacco

Smoking is associated with an increased risk of many types of cancer, including breast cancer. 

  1. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can lower breast cancer risk for those able, especially if it’s continued for 1.5 to 2 years.

Early Detection Improves Outcomes

The remarkable progress in understanding and treating early stage breast cancer, underpinned by breakthrough research and studies, offers immense optimism for patients. These studies reiterate the critical role of early detection in improving prognosis and reducing mortality. It enables more effective treatment plans, less invasive procedures, better survival rates, and cost-effectiveness – illuminating the path towards a more hopeful and healthier patient future. 

As we step into the future, let’s emphasise the importance of vigilance, awareness, and timely screening in battling breast cancer. As knowledge unfolds, let’s stay informed and proactive because every stride taken against breast cancer today paves the way for a tomorrow where this disease is less of a threat than it is today.